Good Day, my name is Attilio Saletta, 53 years old, blogger, writer, humorist, with ability to make a lot of aphorisms for every kind of matters,with particular capacity to make short stories.
I would like entry on artistic american field and so for.
I living in Italy, for a artistic man is a problem for the "Closed Society" where the genius cannot go inside in my coutry, especial humoristc writer.
The field editor is basicaly in a sleaping condition, but this is the general reality on Italy and of course is a very dark system to live.
So basicaly who like me is always in front a big wall.
So my decision is to achive the possibility to entry, using mine quality into american artist field, sending mine books, also because are good for the scriptwriters,producers and mouves.
Just now I can send 2 very original books, with 16 different stories, two of them with american habitat.
I liked so much the humoristic america style, also because is my style on how writing, just now I am to work on a aphorisms book, with mine 800 very irriverents sentences.
But I have to do a lot of differents books.
If you go on ASK motor research and push my size
wwwgwenkalon-incursioni.blogspot.com...and after push the traslation you can get whole my size in Anglo-American version.
In this system you can reading a lot of mine posts, where the humour is a lot present, also short very funny stories, social post and so for.
So my pourpose is to find somebody that can make with me a cooperation project in american field, the first stap can be the traslation on your leanguage on mine books, good contact with open mind editors, also for the mouve and television sector.
But my idea is also to work with some american magazines and newpaperes, doing a lot of article like a italian rappresentative for a lot of differents entity, with the idea to try to Wake Up people of my country, that are in very sleaping condition.
But I can delivery several differents kind of artistic products, so books, aphorisms, short stories, for mouve, articles, conversation for situation commedy, matters for actors, spots for pubblicity agency and so for.
But I have another quality, meaby strange....free thiker, free researcher, I like so much the surpraise of the live, the capacity of contradict myself and inablity to justify me and again better the reality in every direction, with the pourpose to go at the original armony of the past, so discovery and was happening and why.
This in Italy is a big CRIME!....because You go to find to the Italy's paradoxes, so You becoming enemy of everyone, if also go in this prospective with humoristic tools is again a more big CRIME!.
A lot of italians people have very fear to take personal initiative, if some political staff make a order, so every people follow that order but withouth think.
Is very siple now why I want becoming a italian rappresentative for several america entity, again some wake up man and women exist in Italy, so the american people can find different view point from Italy, this is my dream, is simple comunication betwen us, using for me what I can delivery for you.
So for the end of my annaucment..somebody want help to me for wak-up my country?..but using the humourism, the hapigness of the research and discovery and why and back?
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